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Dec 28, 2010

Mimic -Dream Project- Part-- 01

As I promised in an earlier post, I said I would write about the characters Charlene, Jhonen P., and Joseph/Mimic. In this post I'm going to talk about the main character, Joseph.

Joseph was just an average guy, he was married, and was expecting to have a child before he was murdered. This was because he was an Inspector, trying to solve a string of rape/murder cases against children, and the minute he figured it all out. Peter Steiner (the man behind it all) whacked him in the back with a butcher knife. Despite being dead, Joseph wakes up in a bedroom, Charlene's bedroom. Joseph's relationship with Charlene begins as a sort of father/daughter thing, but things begin to get awkward later on. Jhonen automatically hates him, and wants him to stay away from Charlene, why? Because he believes Joseph is putting on an act, but the side he has met with is Mimic.

Mimic is the reason why Joseph is still alive today, on the day Joseph died, he heard a voice call to him, telling him he could live through it all if he could just take his hand. That voice was Mimic, who is technically my version of Satan. :P Mimic then came back from Hell, and has taken Joseph with him. Joseph doesn't actually know about his existence, up until he starts dreaming of killing people every night, and other strange things.

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